Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy life success story

Being discussed in a case treating anxiety, fear of heights, avoidance behaviours, which impacted on stress, sleep and confidence.

Solution- focused hypnotherapy is not magic, but the structure and science behind it is truly amazing. I want to share with you how it works, and you can evaluate its effectiveness for yourself.

Case reflection

The name has been changed and some details to protect privacy.

At Wrexham solution-focused hypnotherapy, Mat a 28-year-old who had come to see me for help with a fear of heights, anxiety and panic attacks. 

Mat was asked, “If you considered our work together to be a success, what would you have achieved?”

Mat’s Goals: Mat’s desired outcomes were clear, overcoming his fear of heights, managing anxiety, boosting confidence, and feeling happier. These goals provided a roadmap for the solution-focused hypnotherapy process.

Solution-Focused: Initial Consultation.

During the solution-focused Initial Consultation Mat expressed that his fear of heights originated from a childhood incident where someone close to him tragically fell from a building. Although he did not witness it, the impact lingered and worsened over the years. As a builder owner, Mat’s fear led him to avoid anything related to heights, affecting his work and even crossing bridges.  His fear of heights eroded his confidence, and avoidance became his coping strategy. Together, we addressed this, helping Mat create a new way of thinking, one that didn’t hold him back.

Mat sought solution-focused hypnotherapy while experiencing significant stress. He contemplated letting his partner manage his half of the business. Additionally, his mother was undergoing cancer treatment.

Given the combination of anxiety, various life stressors, and poor sleep, I decided to focus on emptying Mat’s stress bucket and enhancing his sleep quality. Addressing stress and improving sleep became crucial aspects of the therapy.

Brain Explanation.

Initial consultation, Mat was provided with a comprehensive brain explanation. This explanation clarified how the primitive mind functions, perceiving situations from the worst perspective and reacting strongly to imagined threats. As a result, Mat gained better insight into his reactions and identified potential solutions.

Mat discovered that in the primitive brain state, we become obsessive and hypervigilant. Additionally, I highlighted that the primitive mind lacks the ability to distinguish between imagination and reality. Furthermore, when in the primitive brain state, we become obsessive and hypervigilant. This lack of discernment contributes to the accumulation of stress in the metaphorical stress bucket. The stress bucket metaphor vividly illustrates how stress builds up over time. Our focus shifted toward effectively managing stressors to empty the bucket.

Solution-Focused: Rapid Eye Movement (REM)

We discussed sleep to help Mat understand why he struggled to fall asleep and why his mind woke him up early. I explained that even if he managed to return to sleep, he would not fully empty the stress bucket due to insufficient Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. Educating Mat about REM sleep emphasized its importance for stress reduction, making sufficient REM sleep a therapeutic goal.

Avoidance Behaviours.

The well-thought-out brain explanation in solution-focused hypnotherapy, supported by neuroscience, helped Mat grasp the mechanisms behind his anxiety and avoidance behaviours. To further complement solution-focused hypnotherapy, I incorporated brain revisions in each session to educate Mat about avoidance behaviours. My choices of brain explanation aligned with Mat’s needs and goals, specifically addressing avoidance behaviour and explaining how it perpetuates the fear. Additionally, I drew on principles from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to illustrate the anxiety curve highlighting how avoidance behaviours provide short-term relief but reinforce fear.

Solution-Focused: Errors Of Thinking.

We discussed errors of thinking styles, which involve irrational and extreme ways of thinking. These patterns impact on us and keep us trapped in cycles of anxiety, stress, and fear. Instead of dictating solutions to clients, we empower them through education, allowing them to make informed choices. Mat’s grasp of anxiety curves, thinking styles, and avoidance behaviour significantly contributed to his progress.

Additionally, I actively asked Mat questions about his business to highlight his strengths and positive attributes, of which there were many. The miracle question encouraged Mat to visualize a life without anxiety, enabling him to set clear goals. Furthermore, the brain explanation provided guidance for actionable steps toward change. The combination of all these elements in solution-focused hypnotherapy helped Mat create a new way of thinking that became his reality.

Trance: Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy.

At the end of each session, I provided trance to Mat and he listened to a recording most nights before sleep. During these sessions, we used language patterns such as my personal Opener, the Induction, Tropical Island, Happiness, Trees metaphor, and my personal Closure. Trance, a central element in solution-focused hypnotherapy, facilitated direct access to Mat’s subconscious mind. Positive suggestions during trance helped rewire his brain and shift the focus toward solutions. Trance also reduced self-limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns. The repetition of trance further rewired the brain, and solution-focused hypnotherapy directed the focus toward positive goals.


Mat’s rapid progress was surprising. His fear level decreased from 3 to a happiness rating of 9 after just 8 sessions (with 1 being the worst and 10 the best). Using the scaling system helped both Mat and me stay focused on our goals and track progress. Mat reported overcoming his fear of heights, driving over bridges, and successfully handling work situations without avoidance. This boosted his confidence and self-belief. Mat’s success story exemplifies the transformative potential of solution-focused hypnotherapy.

My Learnings.

These are the extracts that I consider valuable to my learnings from this reflection, which I will use to enhance my practice further.

Clear Goals- Mat’s desired outcomes were very clear, overcoming fear of heights, managing anxiety, boosting confidence, and finding happiness. By Mat having well-defined goals it provided a roadmap for solution-focused hypnotherapy. I need to implement this goal clarity with all clients to guide future sessions effectively.

Addressing Root Causes- Mat’s fear of heights traced back to a childhood incident. Even though he did not witness it, the impact lingered. As a solution-focused hypnotherapy you do not explore the origins of clients’ issues. However, understanding the root cause allowed me to tailor my interventions accordingly because I realised that it was not a simple phobia, as with a simple phobia you can use the NLP Rewind technique.

Avoidance Coping- Mat’s avoidance strategy worsened his fear and educating him about this helped him understand the maintaining factors. By working together, Mat created a positive mindset, one that did not hold him back. I recognise that it is important to identify avoidance patterns and I do this automatically due to my training as a mental health nurse and knowledge of the principles of CBT.

Holistic Approach- Mat’s stressors extended beyond fear of heights. His business and family situations added to the burden. It is important to consider clients ‘the overall well-being’. It is important to address stress management and sleep quality alongside specific issues.

Brain Explanation Providing Mat with insights into how the primitive mind functions were powerful. Clients benefit from understanding their brain’s responses. By explaining the brain mechanisms to demystify reactions, it empowers clients to find solutions.

Stress Bucket Metaphor- The metaphor of a stress bucket accumulating over time resonated with Mat. Solution-focused hypnotherapy use relatable metaphors to illustrate concepts. By helping clients visualize their stress buildup they focus on effective stress management strategies.

REM Sleep Importance- Educating Mat about REM sleep emphasized its role in stress reduction. It is important to consider sleep quality as part of therapy. Adequate REM sleep contributes to overall well-being and mental health.

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